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Operator VR Digital , sro . Sat headquarters Póšfa 137 Holice , 93034, IČO: 53571207 ( hereinafter only ” operator “), for security protection rights affected persons accepted adequate technical and organizational measures which _ they declare legal processing personal data . Operator further introduced transparent system recording security incidents a any questions from parties affected person as well as others persons .

Individual Information with can affected person also find out by phone at : [+421 915 249 867], by email : [], in person at Pósfa 137 Holice , 93034 or on the website headquarters operator :

Below we present information on processing and protection personal data in terms of Regulation of the EP and Council of the EU no. 2016/679 on protection physical persons at processing personal data and free movement such data , which with cancels directive 95/46/EC ( general regulation on protection data ) and SR Act no. 18/2018 Coll. about protection personal data and amendments _ _ some of laws ( hereinafter referred to as : ” Protection Act personal data ” ).

1. Operator

VR Digital s.r.o.

Póšfa 137 Holice , 93034

ID: 53571207

Yours data we process for own purposes how Operator . That means that _ we we determine purposes , for which ones Yours personally data we collect , we determine means processing and we are responsible for them properly execution .

2. List ours intermediaries and beneficiaries who _ they process Yours personally data

Operator can in certain cases process personally data affected persons and through intermediaries who _ They are credentials processing personal data in accordance with Article 28 of the GDPR Regulation .

Intermediaries they process personally data affected persons on behalf of Operator . Processing personal data through does not have a negative intermediary impact on performance a application rights affected persons . Operator uses only intermediaries providing adequate technical , organizational and others measures so that _ processing met GDPR requirements a to she was in full swing scope secured protection rights affected persons .

Operator at processing personal data affected persons uses next Categories intermediaries :

  • Companies ensuring deliveries technical solutions , reports web hosting , maintenance and support of IT systems used The operator .
  • Companies ensuring accounting and tax obligations .

Operator  at processing personal data affected persons uses next Categories recipients :

  • Intermediary business partners product

3. Purpose processing personal data

In the name of VR Digital s.r.o. and co operator , we obtain from You only those data which _ indeed we need to provide full-fledged services sales tickets . Purposes processing personal data at  individual procedural steps are :

• At communication with clients by phone , in person , in form electronic / paper mail we process data in sense Art . 6 par . 1 letter _ f) Regulations of the GDPR – authorized of interest for purpose reactions to you submitted request / stimulus or question regarding provided services and delivered products when necessary _ _ to verify relevance requirements , or implement eventual subsequent contact with you how affected persons .

• In case manifestations interest in ours services , pri creating orders services by phone , in person , in form electronic / paper mail or direct purchase through internet trade https://www. chilis .shop / we process data in sense Art . 6 par . 1 letter _ b) GDPR regulations – where processing data is necessary for implementation necessary measures according to Yours requirements how the customer before closing and confirmation orders , that is During process pre-contract relationship – e.g. _ identification the client During creating , defining or modifications orders , destination or change address and time delivery , possibly additions others necessary data to close orders .

• Mon confirmation orders , that is after emergence contractual relationship between operated by Klikk, or . and you how affected person to the customer , at necessary cooperative communication with the client , pri informed about changes status orders , pri final personal delivery , or at preparation and display tax We process the document ( invoice ). data in sense Art . 6 par . 1 letter _ b) GDPR regulations – where processing data is essential for fulfillment contractual relationship , which contractual aside you are You how affected person client .

4. List processed personal data

• Data necessary for implementation orders

– Name and surname

– Address electronic mail

– Address permanent residence , possibly another correspondence address for delivery shipments

– By phone number

• Invoicing data

– Name and surname

– Address permanent residence , possibly another correspondence address for needs invoicing

– number account / IBAN

5. Processing time a storage Yours personal data

Yours personally data which _ we are processed or we process in sense Art . 6 par . 1 letter _ b) GDPR Regulations – within fulfillment obligations operator Klikk, or . towards customers and clients , further we process for purpose fulfillment are u ours legal duties in the section taxes a accounting , which U.S result from generally binding legal regulations ( e.g. storage _ individual accounting records Yours confirmed orders and invoicing for purposes delivery selected goods to yours contact address in sense Act No. 431/2002 Coll. on accounting as amended later ones regulations , for cases proof fulfillment are u tax duties in terms of tax legal regulations Act No. 595/2003 Coll. on income tax , Act no . 563/2009 Coll. about the report taxes , etc. ), we have to keep after time established relevant legal ones regulations . In each case with but we manage principle minimization storage personal data in terms of Art . 5 par . 1 letter _ e) GDPR regulations and therefore they will be Yours personally data which _ are not subject to archiving according to special legal regulations , deleted or anonymized .

Personally data processed in sense Art . 6 par . 1 letter _ f) GDPR regulations – on the basis authorized interest which _ they were obtained at reaction to you filed request / stimulus or question regarding provided services and delivered products , when It was necessary to verify relevance requirements , or implement eventual subsequent contact with the client / concerned persons , po equipment were not consequently forwarded to  pre-contract  or contractual relationship They are without delay deleted .

How Operator we will ensure deletion personal data without unnecessary postponement after how : they were ended all of them contractual relationships between You and us how the operator ; and/ or

– disappeared all of them Yours obligations towards to the operator ; and/ or

– they were equipped all of them Yours complaints and requests ; and/ or

– they were settled all of them next rights and obligations between You and us how the operator ; and/ or

– they were filled all of them purposes processing fixed legal ones regulations or purposes processing for which you are they gave us permission if processing took place on the basis of consent affected persons ; and/ or

– passed term for which he was consent granted or affected person own consent she appealed ; and/ or

– it was granted requests affected persons for erasure personal data and was filled any of the reasons justifying compliance this one applications ; and/ or

– occurred decisive legal reality for termination purpose processing and at the same time the protective period has also expired retention time limit defined with respect to the principle minimization times storage personal data ;

– and at the same time it doesn’t last authorized interest operator , disappeared all of them obligations fixed generally binding legal ones regulations which _ are u they require storage personal data affected persons ( especially for purposes archiving , performance tax checks , etc. ), or which ones would without them preservation was not possible fulfill _

Any randomly obtained personally data in none case further systematically we do not work on any by us defined purpose . If it is possible , we inform you affected the person to whom randomly obtained personally the data belongs to them random acquired and according to nature case her we will provide necessary cooperation leading to restoration controls above her personal data . Immediately after these necessary actions leading to a solution situations , all of them randomly obtained personally data without delay safe way we will liquidate .

In case interested in more information about a specific time storage Yours personal data us please contact through listed contacts data .

6. Disclosure data

Ours company obtained data in none case does not publish .

7. Cross-border transfer personal data

Cross-border transfer personal data with does not perform .

8. Rights and obligations affected persons

  • The customer is obliged to state only complete and true data .
  • The customer with undertakes that in case _ changes your own data will update and that at the latest before realization the first orders the next one after creation changes .
  • The customer with obligates that _ if will provide personally data the third persons ( name , surname , phone number ), does so only with her consent and affected the person is familiar with the procedures , rights and obligations that They are listed on this page .
  • How ours client and affected person you have in the established scope the law to decide on the disposal of yours personal data . Apply below mentioned rights are u you can :
    – In person at the contact point operator VR Digital s.r.o. , oz . , so headquarters Póšfa 137, 930 34 Holice ;
    – Through ours customer lines : +421 915 249 867;
    – Through electronic mail : ;

We will be to try for you to respond what first , but always to you we will answer at the latest within 30 days from delivery Yours requests . Valid legal regulations and the GDPR Regulation , or They provide you with the law in particular :

Right of access – You have the law from us to demand confirmation of whether _ _ with they process Yours personally data , and if to that that ‘s right, get a copy these data and additional Information resulting from Art . 15 Regulations , or _ § 21 of the Act . In the event that about you we obtain big quantity data , we can from You require to _ you are they specified your own circuit requirement _ specific ones data about you _ _ we process .

Right to repair – In order to we are about you constantly processed only currently personally data we need to you are U.S them change they announced what at the earliest how occurs . In the event that about you we process wrong data , you have the law to demand them repair .

Right to erasure – If they will be filled conditions of Article 14 of the Regulation , or § 23 of the Act , you can to demand deletion Yours personal data . About erasure for that you can demand for example if you are they appealed Yours consent Sat processing personal data and does not exist other legal basis processing , or in the event that Yours personally data we process unlawfully , or with passed away the purpose for which we are Yours personally data processed and we do not process them for to others compatible purpose . Yours data However we will not delete if They are necessary for proving , applying or advocacy legal claims .

Right to limitation of processing – If they will be filled conditions of Article 18 of the Regulation , or § 24 of the Act , you can from us require to _ we are limited processing Yours personal data . About limitation for that you can demand for example During of how _ you object correctness processed data or in case of processing _ _ illegal and You are u you do not wish to we are data deleted but _ you need to them processing It was limited During that how are u apply Yours rights . Yours data continue we process if exist reasons for proving , applying or advocacy legal claims .

Right to portability – If processing _ based on your I agree or carried out for purpose fulfillment contracts concluded with you and at the same time carried out automated means , you have the law from us receive Yours personally data which _ we are from You obtained in ordinary used by machine readable format . If for that you will have got interest and will that technically possible , yours personally data we will transfer directly to another to the operator . This the law will not be possible apply for processing performed for a reason fulfillment tasks implemented in public interest or at performance public power .

The law to object towards processing – If we process Yours personally data for the reason fulfillment tasks implemented in public interest or at performance public power U.S entrusted , or as long as the processing performed on the basis of ours authorized interests whether authorized interests the third sides , you have the law to object towards to such processing . Based on Yours objections processing personal data we limit and if we will not prove serious authorized reasons processing which _ prevail above Yours interests , rights and freedoms or reasons for proving , applying or advocacy legal claims , personal data continue process we will not and yours personally data we delete . You have the law at any time to object against processing personal data for purposes direct marketing , including profiling to the extent that related to such direct marketing . After exalted objections Yours personally data already for this one purpose process we won’t .

The law submit complaint – If with do you think that processing Yours personal data is contrary to the Regulation , or By law , you have the law submit complaint to one of the relevant supervisors bodies , especially in the membership state Yours usual residence , place performance work or in places alleged violations . For territory Slovak of the Republic is a supervisor authorities Office for protection personal data , so registered office : Hraničná 4826/12, 820 07 Bratislava, Slovenská republic , website:, phone: +421 /2/ 3231 3220.

The law call off consent – If the processing is Yours personal data based on consent , you have the law this one consent at any time to recall Appeal consent has no effect on the done processing . if with at any time later you decide that you have interest again to receive from us business and marketing offers about ours products and services , own revoked consent ( respectively submitted objection ) you can at any time again grant , and that any higher stated form contact .

9. Contact information data Office and responsible persons

Protection Office _ personal data Slovak of the Republic

Address :

Hraničná 12

820 07, Bratislava 27

Slovak republic

ID: 36 064 220

Registration office :

Monday – Thursday : 8:00 – 15:00

Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m

Telephone consultations in the field protection personal data :

Tuesday and Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. +421 2 323 132 20

Secretariat the chairman office +421 2 323 132 11

Secretariat office +421 2 323 132 14

Fax: +421 2 323 132 34

Speaker :

mobile: 0910 985 794


E-mail :

a) in general :

b) for providing information according to Act No. 211/2000 Coll.:

c) web registered office :

d) for administration requests for provision Information according to Act No. 211/2000 Coll. about free access to information take advantage online form .

e) email address , via which will be for you Office provide consulting in the field protection personal data . It is intended for children , youth , students , teachers , parents who _ they have suspicion that _ them personally data they were misused :

Pattern proposal to start protection proceedings _ personal data you can find on the web headquarters Office ( ).

10. Security web headquarters

Web headquarters https://www. chilis .s hop / uses at whatever connection user and transmission any data encrypted an SSL connection that makes it impossible approach third parties of persons to the transported data During them transmission on the Internet and modification such data the third persons . Databases operator containing personally data They are protected encryption and non-public accessible data in accordance with the most modern technical standards .

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My name is Tamás. I am the co-founder of  Chilis. How can I help you?

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